We introduced the 10 best CMS detector tools in this article, so let’s start with the best online CMS detectors that will help you find the best CMS software.
image / file upload php example
here is a good php file uploader script example that you can use in your website
it is secure and can create folder for registered users and upload their files into it
here is the php code :
Redirect all pages to one single page for maintenance with htaccess
If your website is down for maintenance or if you have problems with host provide you may want to redirect all requests to a single page.we could do this by adding some codes into .htaccess file which exist in root.
here is the code,just add in bottom of .htaccess file modify the URL to your desire:
RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/redirect\.html$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domain.com/redirect.html [R=307,L]
Category: htaccess |
Hide and clear input value on click and return it back (show value) when blank
If you want to show some text or value in input tag explaining what people should type and clear when they are typing and also return text or value back if they left that blank we should add some java script code to our input tag like this:
<input type="text" value="Type anything you want" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Type anything you want') { this.value = ''; }" onblur="if(this.value=='') { this.value='Type anything you want'; }" style="color:#555; width:320px;border:1px solid #222;"/>
Use CSS file for all browser except Internet explorer (IE)
Sometimes it happens that we want to use the same CSS file for all Browsers except IE,because IE doesn’t support many features of CSS 3 (IE 6, IE 7 ,IE 8 )
to do that,in head tag we should change that line associated with css to this:
<!--[if IE]><![if !IE 6]><![endif]--><link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/><!--[if IE]><![endif]><![endif]-->
<!--[if !IE 6]><!--><link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /><!--<![endif]-->
It’s already done! but if we want to force IE to use different CSS file we can use this code:
<!--[if IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" href="ie6.css" type="text/css"/><![endif]-->
Centering DIV vertically and horizontally
In this tutorial we show you how to absolutely centering DIV vertically and horizontally
first of all you should put this CSS code in your page:
<style> html, body {height: 100%;} #CenteredDiv { width:300px; height:150px; position:absolute;l eft:50%; top:50%; margin:-75px 0 0 -150px; border:1px solid #222222; text-align:center; background-color:yellow; } </style>
after that just call this css with defining class in your html code:
<div id="CenteredDiv"></div>
That’s It
click here to see example below
simplest way to protect your php page with short php code
if you want to restrict unwanted users to access your page in this tutorial we will show you how to protect PHP pages using short lines of php code
<?php $password = "pass"; // If password matchs let the user get access if (isset($_POST["password"]) && ($_POST["password"]=="$password")) { ?> <html> <body> PLACE YOUR CONTENT HERE <?php } else { //Display message if wrong password or no password entered. if (isset($_POST['password']) || $password == "") { echo "<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"red\"><b>Incorrect Password</b><br>Please enter the correct password</font></p>";} echo "<form method=\"post\"><p align=\"center\">Please enter password : <br>"; echo "<input name=\"password\" type=\"password\" size=\"25\"><input value=\"Login\" type=\"submit\"></p></form>"; } ?> </body> </html>
Category: PHP |
display loading image after clicking on a submit button java script jquery
If you want to show animated gif image after clicking on a submit button to show users that request is on process , here we show you how to do that in so simple way: Let’s assume that we have a form like below:
How to hide, show, or toggle your div
Are you trying to find a way to hide and show your content? The demo below shows a simple yet elegant way of toggling your content and toggling the control text via Javascript and styling.
Category: java script |
Display a loading gif image before a page loads using javascript and Css
Have you ever need to showing a loading image before bage loading?Like this demo.
to do that at first we well need a CSS like below
Category: java script |
How to tell search engines if page has been moved
If you ever want to restructure your site, one of the biggest issue is the already established inlinks and search engine rankings. You do not want to lose those, under any circumstances, but this does not mean you cannot move your pages.
When a user requests a page, their browser sends the request to your server. Your server will return a status code – this status code is 200 for a normal page. You may have also heard of 404, used for a non-existant page. You can redirect your users with a 302 redirect – this is a temporarily moved page, or a 301 redirect – a permanently moved page.
hit counter without needing database | using text file
If you want to have a your owan hit counter on your pages here is simple hit counter using a .txt file. Records hits to a web page, the hit count is stored in a single text file. The total number of hits is displayed on the web page using PHP but can be disabled if desired.
Category: PHP |
how to get empty space instead of using BR tag
If you want to get more space or less than the <BR> tag You can use this code
<div style="height:100px"></div>
Many of the beginner coders used to typing many of <BR> tags to achieve high vertical empty space,but actually it’s not the best way to achieve this goal
By changing the value of Height tag you can change the Height of empty space that you want.
Best JQuery noConflict method
There is some ways to resolving conflicts with other javascript libraries but i will show you most effective method to using multiple java script or jQuery codes in same page
Changing HTML Table or TD Background Color on Mouseover Using CSS
In order to dynamically change the background color of a table, td, or div when the mouse is over it we can use css method.
let’s assume that we have a class in css called “tablebg”
.tablebg{ background-color: #e1eafe; }
Changing HTML Table TD Div Background Color on Mouseover
if you’re looking for a great way to spice up your HTML tables, this HTML mouseover code may be just what you’re looking for.
Place your mouse pointer over each of the HTML table cells below to view this HTML mouseover effect. The HTML table cells will change to a specified color when you place your pointer over the cells.
This HTML code will enable you to give your HTML tables a more professional look and feel, as it will greatly improve the presentation of your HTML table data.
Category: HTML Tips |
ساخت اپلیکیشن فروشگاهی به همراه معرفی اپلیکیشن ساز پوپش

ساخت اپلیکیشن فروشگاهی به همراه معرفی اپلیکیشن ساز پوپش
ساخت اپلیکیشن فروشگاهی قدم استواری در راستای پیوستن به دنیای بدون مرز است. در جهانی که خرید و فروش سنتی که براساس مراجعات حضوری و حضور فیزیکی است در حال انقراض است، نپیوستن به این جهان بدون مرز همان کاری است که بعدها پشیمانی بسیاری را برای هر کسب وکاری پیش خواهد آورد.
Category: معرفی سایت ساز، فروشگاه ساز و اپلیکیشن ساز |
معرفی سایت ساز و فروشگاه ساز پوپش | ساخت سایت و ساخت فروشگاه اینترنتی
سایت ساز و فروشگاه ساز پوپش به شما کمک می کند تا سایت خود را طراحی کنید و ساخت سایت و ساخت فروشگاه اینترنتی خود را در کمترین زمان ممکن انجام دهید . اگر می خواهید سایت شخصی برای معرفی هنر، آثار و یا خودتان درسایت شخصی خود معرفی کنید و یا خدمات و محصولات کسب و کارتان را در سایت رسمی شرکت خود به بازدید کنندگان عرضه نمایید و یا کالاهای خود را در فروشگاه اینترنتی خود به فروش و یا اگر طراح هستید و به دنبال یک سایت ساز ساده و کارآمد و پشتیبانی کامل از زبان فارسی میگردید ، سایت ساز پوپش بهترین گزینه برای شما میباشد .
Category: معرفی سایت ساز، فروشگاه ساز و اپلیکیشن ساز |
Show or Hide Div content when click on Button or text
Sometime we are willing to show some content only after clicking on submit button or text and hide it back on clicking on the same button or text
it’s useful when you have bunch of Details information that needs a lot of space and you want to give users to chose if they want to see this details
to do so we should create a java script function like this