Archive for PHP

image / file upload php example

here is a good php file uploader script example that you can use in your  website

it is secure and can create folder for registered users and upload their files into it

here is the php code :

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simplest way to protect your php page with short php code

if you want to restrict unwanted users to access your page in this tutorial we will show you how to protect PHP pages using short lines of php code

$password = "pass";
// If password matchs let the user get access
if (isset($_POST["password"]) && ($_POST["password"]=="$password")) {
//Display message if wrong password or no password entered.
if (isset($_POST['password']) || $password == "") {
  echo "<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"red\"><b>Incorrect Password</b><br>Please enter the correct password</font></p>";}
  echo "<form method=\"post\"><p align=\"center\">Please enter password : <br>";
  echo "<input name=\"password\" type=\"password\" size=\"25\"><input value=\"Login\" type=\"submit\"></p></form>";

hit counter without needing database | using text file

If you want to have a your owan hit counter on your pages here is simple hit counter using a .txt file. Records hits to a web page, the hit count is stored in a single text file. The total number of hits is displayed on the web page using PHP but can be disabled if desired.

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